Tele consultancies
- Teleconsultancy through Kisan call centre No. 1800-180-1551 is being provided to farmers, livestock holders and other clientele of Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand and other states and they are provided immediate solutions for their problem by the subject matter experts. This is toll free number. IVRI is the Level –II node of the KCC specifically dealing with the questions related to animal production and health which are not solved by the experts at level-I Kanpur (for UP and Uttarakahand) . The facility is available for 24 hours a day (18 hours live i.e., 10.00 a.m. to 5.00pm and 16 hours voice recording-IVRS) , and round the year at the national level.
- Tele consultancies through helpline No 0581-2311111 which is IVRI facility, is being provided to the farmers of the whole country for their queries on various aspects of animal husbandry and other allied areas. This facility is available for the clientele from 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM on all working days.
Exposure visits of Farmers/ Professionals/ students
Exposure visits of the progressive farmers, livestock owners, farm women, rural youth, professionals, agriculture and veterinary graduates, school going children of U.P and other states of India is being done on a regular basis as and when they wish to visit the institute . During these visits the visitors are taken around the institute especially to the dairy and piggery farms, fodder demonstration unit, polyclinic, vermicompost unit, KVK demonstration farm and ATIC. Apart from this they are also shown around the various divisions of the institute to acquaint them with the latest researches in the institute and the technologies developed.
Announcements of events, sales and services for farmers, professional and field functionaries
As per need and requirement of the farmers and livestock owners, various announcements are being made on vaccination schedule, health tips, management practices, technologies released, melas, gosthies, sale produce, auction of animals, availabilities of area specific mineral mixture, seeds, vermi-compost or other livestock and agricultural inputs. These are done to acquaint the farmers and livestock owners about the IVRI activities , to inform them about the institute sales and services and to help in revenue generation.
Publication and sale of farm literature/ E Literature
Publication and sale of farm literature is a continuous activity of ATIC till now it has developed a large number of farm literature and keeps on updating it. Those literature which are in demand are reprinted and sold to the farmers at a low cost. The literature mainly consists of folders, minikits/bulletins), and books. All the literature is in local language i.e., Hindi and in very simple understandable form. Few books for the professionals are in English also. Various ICT tools such as Information systems, e-books, videos and audio CDs are also available through ATIC , the details of which can be obtained from IVRI Technologies & Services app available at Google Play store or by clicking the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.icar.ivri.iasri.ivritechnologiesandservicesapp&hl=en . The work of development and printing of need based literature for the farmers is a continuous process
Technology showcasing & Exhibition
The technologies and research out put of IVRI is being exhibited at the ATIC through a very attractive exhibition displayed at ATIC. This exhibition is regularly updated and newer panels are made whenever necessary to project the impact of IVRI in the form of technology generation in the field of animal research. The depiction of technologies is done through use of Flex boards, Scrollers, live objects and running message display system.
Screening of film/ documentary
It is continuous process to show livestock health, production and products technology based film or documentary to the livestock owners / students/ professionals whenever they visit
Reply of queries by e-mails /letters
Every year a large number of mails/ letters are received from the livestock owners/ professionals related to technologies/services provided by ATIC via post / email, which are being replied.
Mobile ATIC van facility
The mandate of ATIC is to function as a single window system for farmers where they can have access to various technologies, products and farm literature of the institute as well as get their problems solved by the experts of the institute. Many times farmers are unable to utilize this facility at the institute because of transport problems etc. This prompted IVRI to start a Mobile ATIC Van facility from the institute to various far flung villages in and around Bareilly district from 22nd September, 2010. This Mobile ATIC Van was provided thrice in a week to popularise the technologies developed by the institute and to sell the products like Olinall, ASMM and UMMB and farm literature at the door step of the farmers. This novel idea was a stupendous success among livestock owners who took it to their heart.
Sale of Products/ Services of the institute as single window
Various animals and agriculture based inputs and products and services are being sold / facilitated for sale through ATIC. These mainly consist of
- Farm Publications
- ICT tools
- Semen of elite cattle bulls such as Vrindawani , Tharparkar and Sahiwal and bulls of Murraha buffaloes
- Various farm produce such as honey, seeds, fish, mushroom, vegetables and fruits , Processed produce (Pickles , jam and jellies) , saplings , fish etc
- Soil & Water testing
- Sample tastings
- UMMB Blocks
- Value added meat products
- Milk and milk products
- Vermi-compost & Vermiculture
- UMMB making machine
- Diagnostics for identification of various Viral and Bacterial Diseases
Lab animals
(For more details or procurement please download IVRI Technologies & Services App from Google Play Store or click on the following link to download the app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.icar.ivri.iasri.ivritechnologiesandservicesapp&hl=en)