The under the aegis of DBT the Sub DIC of Institute was established on 10th March 1989. Bioinformatics Centre started functioning in 1992 after Prof. R.K. Pachauri, the Nobel Laureate, the then Director of TERI, New Delhi visited this Institute to review the infrastructural facilities and plan of research and development to be initiated in Sub-DIC, IVRI, Izatnagar. The Bioinformatics centre supports the Bioinformatic analysis for all life science streams especially animal science and veterinary science. Institute has different National/ International projects where bioinformatics tools are required for analysing and interpretating the sequence data. Centre is providing all possible supports in these research projects. Theory and Practical for the course entitled “Bioinformatics in Biotechnology” offered to M.V.Sc. and Ph.D students of different disciplines of IVRI is being conducted at the Centre. Further the centre routinely conducts the training and workshop to PG/PhD students and faculties working at IVRI, Izatnagar or other Institutions. Bioinformatics Centre has almost twenty windows computer terminals and one Apple computer with Mac operating system and one server. Bioinformatics Centre has modem facilities with 100 mbps lease line connectivity and Wifi facility. The computers of Bioinformatics centre are equipped with softwares like CLC Workbench (CLCBio), Lasergene (DNASTAR), Genocluster Software (IGIB Jalaja), ClustalW, Rasmol, Gene designer, Emboss, Geneious, SeqTools, Oligos, Open bable, Chemsketch, Oligo Analyzer, Mega5.0, Autodock (MGL Tools), Sequin etc.